We’ve carried out many actions as regards our processes, always with the focus on reducing our carbon footprint and our water footprint, thanks to significant material investments and investments in human resources.
This has lowered the organization's carbon footprint by 35% with resepct to each metre of fabric we sell.
Moreover, we have also paid strict attention to responsible water consumption, as well as to reuse and purification thanks to a series of actions that have reduced our water footprint per billed metre by 16%.
These actions have helped us to get better aligned with most of the environmental SDGs:

Sustainability has been a fundamental factor in our design and development processes for our products for over 30 years. We have invested in easy-to-maintain technologies, and launched highly durable products with extended life cycles, thereby reducing both carbon and water footprints, as well as waste and pollutants.
As regards products, these actions have had an impact on the following SDGs:

We have long believed in and committed ourselves to social actions providing coherence and credibility to the third leg of our sustainability policy: our people.
To compensate for a dearth of professionals in the sector, at aquaclean we carry out a series of actions to ensure the sector is more attractive to people, improving labour relations and loyalizing our workers and collaborators.
Our social actions have had an impact on SDGs 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15 and 17.

Among others, we developed a code of conduct committed to equality between men and women. This guarantees harmony and well-being amongst all the members of our extended family at aquaclean.